Starting a Business

Let the Wildflowers Grow

The Entrepreneur’s Journey

I think the most important thing for an entrepreneur to do is to never give up. The choice to be an entrepreneur is a difficult path. The easy choice is to give up and work for someone else. But you have to ask yourself is it worth it? There are risks in both options. When

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Creating Change Through Entrepreneurship

There’s no doubt that entrepreneurs can change the world. But in the article, “What’s a Business For?” written by Charles Handy he points out how greed, lying, and corruption can take a business down a very dangerous path. He explained the following: “Markets rely on rules and laws, but those rules and laws, in turn,

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Gaining a Perspective on Money

Money is necessary for living. You have to have money to be able to put a roof over your head and food on the table. Money is required for most things these days. What’s important is how you view money. Stephen W. Gibson said, “The first thing we need to understand about money is that

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Effective Leadership

Leadership is a quality anyone can have but it takes work to be an effective leader. In the reading A Message to Garcia it states that the rarest skill is the ability to execute. “The ability to executeis more valuable thaneducation or talent,because it is far rarer.” It takes focus, self-discipline, and grit to be

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Overcoming Challenges

Challenges are a natural part of life. We face challenges in our personal lives, in relationships, in owning a business or any other aspect tied to a career. There isn’t a single person who is exempt from facing trials and difficulties. It’s impossible to avoid going through challenges, but it is possible to overcome and

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7 Habits to Fill Your Life with Passion

Stephen R. Covey’s famous book 7 Habits for Highly Effective People is by far one of my favorite books. It’s been one of my favorites since I was a young girl. It is a book that will transform your life. In short, the 7 habits are: Be proactive Begin with the end in mind Put

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The Road to Success Includes the Art of Self-Mastery

Self-mastery is at the core of success. We cannot expect to simple acheive goals without hard work and dedication. Plato said, “The first and best victory is to conquer self; to be conquered by self is, of all things, the most shameful and vile.” In order for us to be able to achieve dreams and

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How Will You Measure Your Life

This week’s lesson was on how will you measure your life. In the talk by Joseph B. Wirthlin, he talks about how the little things are important. Minutes are little things, and they certainly add up. He said, “Do you take the time to remember some of the simple courtesies that are so important in

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Ethics in Business

For a business to be successful it is essential for that business to have ethics that they follow and abide by. It is by having a mission statement or a code of conduct that will keep any business focused on what really matters and be able to continue to grow and be a success. The

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Don’t Give up on Your Childhood Dreams

Randy Pausch, the author of the Last Lecture, he had pancreatic cancer and just had a few months left to live. He talks about his childhood dreams and how he was able to achieve most of them. He explains his upbringing and for a dying man he has the greatest sense of humor and mindset

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Hey I'm Bre!

I’m a mom, a business owner, and a passionate blogger. Bringing you all things mom and baby life to business. From starting a blog, marketing, design and so on! 

Want to make a difference?

I sell farmhouse home decor to support victims of domestic violence.
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